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Automatic SFs are always created on-the-fly, based on the most current Wiki ontology. So, if you edit the annotations of a property, e.g. change the value of its "Has type" annotation, this will be immediately reflected in all related automatically created SFs.
For each direct category annotation of the edited article, there will be a collapsible section in the SF. The collapsible section will contain all form input fields, that correspond to properties that have the category or one of its super-categories as their domain.

  • If a category does not exist or if there are no properties that have the category or one of its super-categories as their domain, and if the corresponding section in the SF therefore would be empty, then the section will not be displayed in the SF.
  • If one of the direct category annotations of the article is a super-category of one of the other direct category annotations of the article, then no section for that category will be displayed in the SF.
  • If two or more of the direct super-categories of an article share the same super-category, then the corresponding SF sections would show form input fields for the same properties, which is not very nice. Therefore, if two or more categories, for which a section is displayed in the SF, share the same super-category, an additional section for that super-category is shown in the SF. The additional section then will contain all form input fields, that otherwise would be shown by the sub-categories.
  • The different sections in the SF are ordered as follows:
  1. Super categories are shown.
  2. Categories on the same level in the category hierarchy are then ordered alphabetically.
  3. The bottom of the form shows the free text input field.
  4. Note:The automatic form creation process for articles only works when no default SF has been defined.

    Copyright © 2011 Ontoprise.

    Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the article "GNU Free Documentation License".

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