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What is a coupon?

A coupon is a alphanumeric code that allows you to purchase products for free in the ontoprise webshop.

A coupon is valid for:

  • a particular registered customer (You) in the ontoprise webshop (you are identified by your email adress),
  • one or multiple products in the ontoprise webshop (e.g. "SMW+ 1.5.3 Windows installer") and
  • a particular time.

Information.png Note: Your coupon is only valid for the products which are listed in the email from ontoprise. If the coupon is valid for more than one products, then you must add all products to your shopping cart, otherwise the validation of the discount code fails.

What is required to make use of a coupon?

You have received an email from ontoprise which contains your coupon. In order to make user of your coupon you need the following:

  1. A valid account in the ontoprise webshop.

Information.png Note: Your account is identical to your email adress which you have entered when registering with the webshop. We cannot change your email adress!

Where can I get a coupon?

You may receive coupons only from ontoprise. If you buy the SMW+ Flatrate, you will receive a coupon that is valid for one year.

Datei:Shop EmailCoupon.png
The email of ontoprise contains a coupon code which is only valid for the products named in the email.
Important notes for SMW+ Flatrate customers

Once you bought the SMW+ Flatrate, you receive a coupon via email. This coupon is valid for the period of one year from this day on, so you can get each release of the SMW+ installer and the SMW+ VMware image at the shop for free. Please follow the instructions below for redeeming a coupon.

How to use a coupon?
  1. Go to the shop:
  2. Log in with your username and password for which the coupon code is valid
    You will be directed to your personal Dashboard page:
  3. Go to category SMW+ in the upper menu
  4. Add your desired products e.g. the SMW+ Windows Installer and SMW+ v1.5.2 (VMware image) to your shopping cart by clicking Add to Cart
    You will be direct to your Shopping cart where you can proceed to checkout or continue shopping.
  5. Enter your coupon code into the field DISCOUNT CODES
  6. Click Apply Coupon
    The price for the windows installer and the VMware image should be reduced to Grand Total €0.00 now:
  7. Proceed with the checkout. If you only have those two products, you can see the information No Payment Information Required
  8. Click Continue
  9. Confirm the "General Terms and Conditions of Contract of ontoprise GmbH" and "Withdrawal information"
  10. Click Place order to finalize your order
    Your order will be processed by the shop:
    You receive an email with the required download information:
    Now are able to find the downloads at your personal Dashboard page:
    My Account > My Downloadable Products

Now you can start downloading your ordered products.

Copyright © 2011 ontoprise GmbH.

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the article "GNU Free Documentation License".

Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 10. Mai 2011 um 15:10 Uhr geändert.Diese Seite wurde bisher 2.853-mal abgerufen.