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Property values are written simply as a question mark followed by the property name.


  • This prints the values for «population» of all query results.

On Special:Ask, the result of each printout is shown in a table column that is labeled by the name of the property. One can change that label for a printout. Doing this would be very useful when using queries on wiki pages (it is not really relevant on Special:Ask of course). The equals ( = )symbol is used to change the label:

?population = Number of inhabitants
  • The above still prints population, but nor with the modified label in the table header.

As mentioned above, property printouts may have an empty result for some pages, e.g. if something does not have any population. Property conditions with wildcards (see above) can be used to ensure that all elements in a query result have some value for the printed property, if this is desired.

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