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Subpages introduce some hierarchical organization into wiki page names, with levels of the hierarchy that are separated by slashes '/'.

  • Namespaces:

The subpage feature is ussually turned off by default in the main namespace. It may be used on the talk pages and the user pages.

  • Slashes within a page name

Slashes (/) within a page name break the page into parent and subpages, recursively, eg:

  1. Example page
  2. Example page/Some sub-page
  3. Example page/Some sub-page/Some sub-sub-page
  • Using (and over-using) sub pages:

There are various uses for the subpage mechanism. The main two intended uses are:

  1. On a talk page create a subpage (or several) for an archiving of old discussions
  2. On a user page create a subpage (or several) to use as a scratchpad editing space.

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