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Reverting an edit involves returning a page to a previous version of its history, as documented in the corresponding tab. In the context of the English Wikipedia three revert rule, a revert is defined more broadly as the undoing of another editor's work by returning any part of a page to an older version.

Latest versions of MediaWiki allow editors to revert a single edit from the history of a page without simultaneously undoing all constructive changes that have been made since.

To do this, view the diff for the edit, and click on undo above the newer version. The software will attempt to create an edit page with a version of the article in which the undesirable edit has been removed but all later edits will be retained. There is a default edit summary which may be changed. It is also possible to make further modifications before saving.

This feature does away with the need to manually re-do useful changes that were made after the edit that is reverted.

This will however fail if undoing the edit would cause conflict with later edits.

For example, if edit number 1000 adds a paragraph and edit number 1005 modifies that paragraph, it will be impossible to automatically undo edit 1000. In this case, you must look for ways of resolving the problem manually.

Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 25. November 2010 um 16:01 Uhr geändert.Diese Seite wurde bisher 1.501-mal abgerufen.