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Information about this category


Instances of this category are visualised with the following icon:

Default form

Instances of this category can be edited with the following form:

This page can be editied with the following form:

Note: Property:Page has default form and Property:Has default form take only effect if the extension "Semantic Forms" is installed (Semantic Forms is installed in this Wiki.).

Automatic form

Instances of this category can be edited with an automatic form:

Note: Property:No automatic formedit takes only effect if the extension "Automatic Semantic Forms" is installed (Automatic Semantic Forms is not installed in this Wiki.).


This category is used in the following templates (based on Property:Defines category):

  • none



Es werden 4 von insgesamt 4 Unterkategorien in dieser Kategorie angezeigt:




Queries für Kategorien

Frag nach allen direkten und indirekten Instanzen von "Entity"
Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 7. April 2011 um 15:00 Uhr geändert.Diese Seite wurde bisher 3.665-mal abgerufen.