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Seiten mit dem Attribut „Rationale“

Es werden 15 Seiten angezeigt, die dieses Attribut verwenden:


Page has default form +associates the given page directly with a default form.
Part of bundle +Links a Wiki page to a content bundle.
Phone +Attribute for specifying a phone number (e.g. of a person or an organization).
Populates template +Relates a form to the template it is populating (upon form invocation).
Property +This category contains all properties.


Rationale +Used to provide a (short) explanation or description of a wiki part.


SMW+ 1.5 +Promo article explaining the main features of SMW+.
Smwplus +This set of articles is needed to run SMW+.


Template +You should always assign your templates to this category. Doing so, you can use a special form for your templates allowing you to provide all necessary metadata and tags for your wiki community to understand the templates.


User +This category is used to tag wiki users.
User image +Links a user to an image depicting the user.


Vendor +Specifies the vendor or creator of the content bundle


WasAddedDuringTermImport +Relates a wiki article to term import run, in which the article was generated. This property is set by the system and should not be changed by users.
WasUpdatedDuringTermImport +Relates a wiki article to term import run, in which the article was updated. This property is set by the system and should not be changed by users.
Wiki part +Denotes the elements that form the structure of the ontology and are responsible for the layout and entering of the data.
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Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 7. April 2011 um 15:04 Uhr geändert.Diese Seite wurde bisher 10.114-mal abgerufen.