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Seiten mit dem Attribut „Rationale“

Es werden 25 Seiten angezeigt, die dieses Attribut verwenden:


Contentwiki:Template +This is the namespace which contains all template-articles.
Create new page +This article is called automatically if the user wants to create a new article.


Defines category +Specifies which category annotation is contained in this template.
Dependency +Specifies another package and its allowed version range that is required for this package.


Entity +Denotes the default root concept of the built-in ontology. This root concept can be used in domain axioms of generic properties (e.g. Property:Description), so that these properties appear in the intelligent auto-completion of the QueryInterface.


Firstname +Denotes the first name of a person.
Form +This category is used to allow easy bookke This category is used to allow easy bookkeeping of Forms. You should always assign your Forms to this category. Doing so, you can use a special form for your forms allowing you to provide all necessary metadata and tags for your wiki community to understand the forms. ur wiki community to understand the forms.
Form thumbnail +Provides a thumbnail picture of a form.
Form:Add and edit Category +You should always use this form to modify a category for your wiki. This form allows you providing all necessary for your wiki community to understand the category. Open the Ontology browser to create a new category!
Form:Add and edit Form +You should always use this form to create a new semantic form for your wiki. This form allows you providing all necessary metadata and tags for your wiki community to understand the form.


Has comment content +The date of a comment.
Has comment date +The date of a comment.
Has comment editor +Contains the name of the last editor.
Has comment person +Contains the commenting person.
Has comment rating +The rating value of a comment.
Has comment text +Contains a comment text.
Has default form +Pre-defined property which associates a category, a namespace or a single wiki page with a default form.
Has type +Defines the type of a property.
HasImportDate +Denotes the import date of a term import run. This property is set by the system and should not be changed by the user.


Installation dir +Specifies the directory where the content bundle shall be installed later on


Knows +Describes the knows relation between two persons.


Lastname +Attribute for specifying the last name of a person.
License +Specifies which license applies to this content bundle.


Name +Provides a name for an entity (e.g. a user)


Ontology version +Specifies the version number of your (ontology) content bundle
(vorherige 25) (nächste 25)
Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 7. April 2011 um 15:04 Uhr geändert.Diese Seite wurde bisher 10.113-mal abgerufen.