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Many printout statements can be further customized by giving a printout format This can be done added after a property name and separated by the symbol #.

If you have properties that support units, queries can be used to determine which unit should be used for the output.

One would for example print the height in cm by making the following query:


This presumes that the property height is aware of the unit «cm». Datatypes other than Type:Number may have different printout formats. See the types documentation for details.

For printouts of the form ?Category:Actor, the display format can be used to modify what SMW will display for cases where a page is (or is not) in the category. The following is an example:

 ?Category:Actor#an actor, not an actor

This will show the text «an actor» for all pages that are actors. Otherwise it shows the text «not an actor» . This can, for example, also be used in combination with small images to display icons for certain categories.

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