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The XML file that is used in upload import is in a simple readable file format which may be easily edited before import or export. We insist that this should only be done with a lot of caution and integrity since one stands the risk of either making antedated edits, using false user names, possible deletion or even making changes to the history. One may wish to edit the import file for the following reasons:

  • To add a note to the edit summary about the import.
  • To chance usernames and/or page names to avoid name conflicts (just between the title tags and between the username tags or also in links and signatures)
  • To change namespace names into the generic or the applicable names (ditto)

Note:If two versions of the page have the same timestamp i.e. one was uploaded with the same timestamp as a pre-existing version, the version that is newer, in this case the imported version, will show up in the edit history but not in the actual article.

Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 12. Dezember 2010 um 12:47 Uhr geändert.Diese Seite wurde bisher 1.530-mal abgerufen.