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Variables in MediaWiki serve the purpose of inserting certain values that change in pages. 
The way they are rendered varies according to the following conditions:

  1. The time - directly depending on the time or depending on the creation of other articles if we for example consider a number of article.
  2. The project - it changes whenever the wikitext is copied.
  3. The page in which it occurs - it changes whenever the wikitext is copied, when the page is renamed and when the page is included in another page.

To the left you will find the variable and to the right you will see how it is rendered at this time, in this project and on this page.

The names of the variables form part of the set of so-called magic words which are used by the system.

With Special:ExpandTemplates one can view the value of a variable, or from a broader perspective, the expanded wikitext that a variable or a wikitext with variables and/or template calls produces, as an intermediate step towards rendering.

Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 25. November 2010 um 16:02 Uhr geändert.Diese Seite wurde bisher 1.225-mal abgerufen.