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Units can be used for properties of Type:Number, and make annotation more flexible: everybody can view and enter data in his or her preferred unit without restricting mutual understanding. For example, some people might prefer a distance given in miles over one given in km. In other cases, it might not be suitable to display a distance in km if microns are more appropriate.

Through the use of floating-point numbers, a single type can support a broad range of units. For example, a single length type can easily support both light years and nanometers. However, if someone uses a property Elevation to specify the height of a mountain, then it would hardly be useful to display this value in light years or nanometers.

SMW+ allows you to specify which units a property should display from all the units its type supports. This information is specific to the property : two properties can both use Type:Length while still having different appearances in the wiki. If no preferences on display are given, a property will display all of its type's units, with the main unit (the one with conversion factor 1) first.

To specify custom display units, add the special property display units to the property's page, mentioning each unit you want displayed separated by commas.

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