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Whenever the input mode is changed to Wiki text in the WYSIWYG-editor, the normal Wiki editor still remains accessible. In some cases the WYSIWYG-editor breaks the original wikitext because it interprets the wikitext wrongly. This mostly happens if templates and parser functions are encapsulated. It follows that the HTML that is generated by the WYSIWYG-editor is broken.

The wikitext will also change its content whenever:

  • whitespaces are used for formating - this especially happens in template calls.
  • HTML is used even though there is also method of doing this in wikitext (i.e. <table> <li>).
  • some HTML elements get special attributes from the WYSIWYG-editor. These do not affect the output but change the code.

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Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 25. November 2010 um 16:01 Uhr geändert.Diese Seite wurde bisher 1.704-mal abgerufen.