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For pages that have an edit with form tab, you may want the regular "edit" tab to be renamed or even removed altogether, There are flags you can set in either LocalSettings.php or SF_Settings.php to change the appearance of the editing tabs:

  • $sfgRenameEditTabs  : renames the "edit with form" tab to "edit", and the "edit" tab to "edit source" (in whatever language the wiki is being viewed in)
  • $sfgRenameMainEditTab  : renames only the "edit" tab to "edit source" (in whatever language the wiki is being viewed in)
  • $wgGroupPermissions[...]['viewedittab']  : can be set, for different types of viewers, to toggle whether each type will see the regular edit tab. One common modification is to set it to false normally (i.e. for viewer type '*'), and to true for 'sysop' viewers.

If these settings are added to LocalSettings.php, they should be placed in the file after the include of Semantic Forms.


warning.pngEin Teil „<nowiki></nowiki>“ der Abfrage konnte nicht interpretiert werden.

Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 12. Dezember 2010 um 12:46 Uhr geändert.Diese Seite wurde bisher 1.927-mal abgerufen.