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SMW+ 1.5.3 has been successfully installed!

About SMW+


SMW+ is a semantic enterprise wiki that is distributed by Ontoprise GmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany. This tool is well suited for organizations or teams dealing with heterogeneous and informal workflows and offers a rich feature set to create, share, publish and re-use knowledge contained in content. Ontoprise develops extensions to MediaWiki and carefully picks other useful extensions and, if having passed our quality assurance procedure, casts them into SMW+.

SMW+ includes Semantic MediaWiki (developed by Markus Krötzsch and Denny Vrandecic at the university of Karlsruhe) and the halo-Extension which is developed by Ontoprise in the HALO project, a Paul G. Allen initiative which is sponsored by his Seattle-based Vulcan Inc. (Read more...)
Overview of SMW+

Getting started


To get you started with SMW+, we included a guide that features step-by-step instructions about creating and using annotations in your SMW+ installation. This guide shows you how to annotate a wiki article and how to query for these annotations.

See how to create your first annotation with SMW+

Getting help


Find the complete user manual for SMW+

Visit the SMW+ User Community, which is hosted by ontoprise, Vulcan Inc. and Monitor. Join in our regular user group meetings in north america and europe.

  • Share your experience: debate in the online forum and learn how others are using SMW+
  • Learn to apply and customize: browse the comprehensive user manuals, read about the wealth of business applications and best practices and find out how to deploy, customize and integrate SMW+
  • Contribute to the project: add and publish own materials and discuss with the engineering team or even contribute software

Enter the user forum
Report Bugs (Read this before filing bugs: Help:How to report a bug)

Getting More Information

  • You can get more information on SMW+ here, including history and documentation
  • You can contact people from ontoprise via this page

Now go semantic and have fun!



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