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This content bundle comprises a set of articles that are necessary to make use of the Collaboration extension.
How to use

Simply add the template call {{ShowComments|show=True}} into the article(s) to enable your users to leave comments for. Usually you include this template call at the bottom of the page.


We have created a small Sandbox of the Collaboration extension in this Wiki to give you a smooth start.

User manual

More information about the Collaboration extension and how to use it can be found in our Collaboration extension help article at SMWForum.

This bundle contains these articles
Link Rationale
Article has average rating Contains the average rating for the article.
Belongs to article Used to create a relation between comments and articles.
Belongs to comment Used to create a relation between comments and other comments.
Collaboration A small sample user page in this Wiki to give you an expression of the comment user info box delivered by the Collaboration sandbox.
Collaboration This content bundle features a set of basic elements that are necessary for the Collaboration extension.
Collaboration Sandbox A small Sandbox of the Collaboration extension in this Wiki to give you a smooth start.
Collaboration best articles A sample article with an info box that displays the best rated articles in this wiki.
Comment This category contains all comments created by the Collaboration Extension.
Comment was deleted Flag for comment deletion.
Comment:Collaboration Sandbox 1295602691794 A small sample comment for the Sandbox of the Collaboration extension in this Wiki.
Comment:Collaboration Sandbox 1295602913516 A small sample comment for the Sandbox of the Collaboration extension in this Wiki.
Comment:Collaboration Sandbox 1295602948268 A small sample comment for the Sandbox of the Collaboration extension in this Wiki.
Comment:Collaboration Sandbox 1295603031029 A small sample comment for the Sandbox of the Collaboration extension in this Wiki.
Comment:Collaboration Sandbox 1295603163565 A small sample comment for the Sandbox of the Collaboration extension in this Wiki.
Has comment date The date of a comment.
Has comment editor Contains the name of the last editor.
Has comment person Contains the commenting person.
Has comment rating The rating value of a comment.
Has comment text Contains a comment text.
Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 18. April 2011 um 11:30 Uhr geändert.Diese Seite wurde bisher 4.574-mal abgerufen.