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Now you can create forms to allow users to easily add and edit pages of vari-ous types. There should be one form per page type; a form should populate the template or templates that this page type contains.

As in earlier versions, there's a special page to create new forms: CreateForm.

There has been a feature request that has been made by several users who made a request that the CreateProperty,CreateTemplate and CreateForm special pages should to be able to edit existing property/template/form pages, and not just create new ones.

However, looking at the programming aspect, this is harder to implement than creating new pages, because it requires parsing. For the time being and in the near future, modifying existing properties, templates and forms will have to continue being done manually.

Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 25. November 2010 um 16:02 Uhr geändert.Diese Seite wurde bisher 1.314-mal abgerufen.